Last night did really remind me of the gold rush in old days, where people are busy to mine and own their own gold. Well last night exactly the same, except they are moving all their could save for to buy, buy, buy, buy gold, which rose from $1,313/toz. to $1,342/toz. A nice way to get our attention …
Gold Break Record For The Eight Time
Gold producers: Gold rose to a record for the eighth time in two weeks yesterday as the dollar dropped to the lowest level since early February. ~Shani Raja It's the highest price since yesterday. There is a bearish in Asia and Europe session on Sept. 28th, but strong bullish in US …
Bubble in Gold Price? Pfftt?.
Some have been asking is the trend really-really ending. I can also say too much about it.? Some big boy like George Soros and John Paulson also invest in gold this year.? They say that their assets could move the price up till 17%.? One thing I know for sure, such amount of money would at least …